
Flip the Switch and You’re Perspective

It’s been a challenging few months…well, maybe years. It seems like there is always a deadline in the near future and not enough hands on deck to meet it.

But we always meet it. We always make the deadline. We always leave looking ahead at the next looming deadline heading our way.

There are moments when I wish I had a month or two to breathe. Recoup. Regroup. Refocus.

But would I really?

Or would I waste that brief break with meaningless time wasters? Knowing me, I would find a nice time waster to fill that void.

I was talking to some people the other night and we were discussing stress. It seems like everyone has something that causes them stress.


It doesn’t discriminate against age or race. It doesn’t pick and choose based on social status or wealth. You can walk into a room of 10 diversely different people and I can guarantee they will each have something that can cause them stress.

So, we all have it. What do we do with it?

I heard someone say one time, “you cannot choose your circumstances but you can choose how you will proceed with it.”

Will you let that darkness dictate your endless possibility future?

Will you let that bump in the road trip you up so much you want to quit?

Will you let that negative comment grow and fester in your heart until that is all you can feel?

Life is all about choices.

And sadly we don’t always make the right ones. Sometimes the situations we find ourselves in are from our own demise. One bad decision can topple the sturdiest of our man made towers.

But the beauty of life and the circle of it is that most of the time it can be corrected. Reconciled. Redeemed.

There are only a few things that cannot be rectified, mainly health issues.

But mistakes you made don’t have to haunt you forever.

The poor choices you fell for can be a learning curve for a dynamic future.

Skeletons hold no power, unless you give them the power. They are dead. They are fragile. They are bones decaying to dust.

So why do the dead things of this world hold so much power?

Because we give it the breath to carryon. We give it the flesh to grip its skeleton fingers at our heart. We unknowingly give it the credence to keep us up at night. Because once again, they aren’t the things lurking in the night.

Your shackled memories are.

So turn on the light. See the skeletons for what they are worth. Expose their flaws in their fictional tale that there is no grace for you. Dissect into their marrow and see there isn’t anything good in there anymore.

Dwelling in the past is only good for when you are seeking guidance for your next move. So you don’t fall into the same pit you fell in before.

So if you are dwelling in the regrets of yesteryear, all I can ask is, what’s your next move?

Life is too good to be partying with dead skeletons you keep locked up. It’s time to bury the past and explore in the world of the living.

The world of second, third, ninety-nine chances.

The world where light shines to bring both healing and correction.

The world where grace is freely poured out. No ifs, ands or buts.

The world where stress will always be, but someone is also there to help bear the load.

There is a table waiting for you to come and commune. Nothing is needed, just come empty handed and you will be filled up til your cup is running over. He longs to commune with you no matter your past. Because He already knows it. And He still sits and waits for you to dine with Him. He’s holding a place especially for you.

So, what’s your perspective?

Are you brave enough to flip the switch and run into the fields of grace and forgiveness for yourself?

Perspective…it’s a good switch to flip.


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