christmas carols

Christmas Already?

Am I the only one, but does it seems like last week was Halloween?

I used to love the Christmas season. Watch all the classic movies, reread Dickens Christmas Carol, decorate the Christmas tree and bake some goodies.

I failed horribly this year.

I’ve only seen snippets of a few movies, I got to the second Spector in Dickens classic, never even put up my tree, and never bought the supplies to bake.

I literally started buying gifts on Amazon last week because I didn’t want to go shop.

I used to play my Elvis Christmas CD and curl my upper lip while singing Blue Christmas…never got the CD out this year.

I’m not sure why I let the season pass me by this year, but it has.

It is a few days away, yet it feels like any other day.

A couple of weeks ago I was riding a Lyft and the driver was telling me she doesn’t do anything special on December 25th, because she celebrates Jesus’ birth everyday.

I wish I could say my means for not getting into Christmas is that encouraging and optimistic, but it’s not.

I just haven’t gotten into the Christmas mood.

Not sure why. I cannot pinpoint a reason. It’s not that I’m going through a seasonal depression or feeling blue. I’m still upbeat and cheerful. But there is just something different this year.

I hear many people still blaming things on COVID, but I don’t see that as the culprit in my scenario.

Are you feeling what I’m feeling? Or am I just out in left field?

Maybe I’ll wake up tomorrow with the longing of Christmas. Maybe I’ll jump out of bed with excitement in my heart. Maybe I’ll envision those sugar plum fairies in my dreams tonight.

If not, it will be okay.

Just as my Lyft driver said, Christmas should be celebrated everyday.

So, maybe I’ll feel like celebrating it soon…and maybe I’ll try to keep that feeling year round.
