Dream Chasers, Faith

The Movement

Can you think of any important movements that have occurred in your lifetime?

When I look back in my life at the various movements I can recall, they usually have a common thread.

They were spurred on by the younger generation.

In 1992 the election between Bush and Clinton had a movement. MTV highlighted the Rock the Vote campaign urging their listeners (20 year olds) to vote. Some say this helped Clinton win the election by the surge of new, young voters.

There have been other political movements including the Tianamen Square massacre which was led by student protesters.

But not all movements are political. There are the global climate protests where young people protest to save the rain forest, an endangered species, carbon emissions or other pollutants.

We have social issues involving abortion or marriage rights, equality and racial bias, education and minimum wage. And usually the young people are the ones making the most noise for their movement.

You may not agree with the movements, but you have to agree that the younger generation has an ability to not turn a blind eye when they see something they don’t agree with.

They move.

One of the greatest movements in history was led by a young group 2000 years ago and we still see the impact of their dramatic urge to not remain silent.

The Church was founded by this young group of followers. Many times we picture Jesus’ disciples as grown men, but more than likely they were late teenage boys or early 20 year olds.

Next time you see a group of high school boys picture one of them being Peter, who Christ said he would build his Church upon. Or look for the youngest one, John, who was called the beloved and asked to care for Jesus’ mother after His death. Or maybe James or Andrew.

When you look at a group of 16 year olds do you see the potential? Not for a big future. But a big now.

Sadly, grown adults often don’t start movements. They may participate in them for a short time, but life gets in the way. And then they go back to their status quo of thinking someone else will do it.

But we as the Church should be a part of a continual movement. Always showing the marvelous light of Christ to a darkened world. That light should ignite a spark and blaze until it’s a forest fire. But sadly, we hide our light under the bushel like the children’s song. Because movements take effort.

Movements take time.

Movements often call us to see beyond ourself, and sadly, we are often too self-centered to look outside our sphere of influence.

So we say a prayer. Hoping God will use someone else to spread His message of grace and hope.

But ask a young person who is on fire for Christ, and they would go to third world countries to share Christ love or to downtown soup kitchens. They may start fundraisers to adopt a child in Africa or fast to bring awareness to the sickening business of human trafficking happening in our own backyards.

May we fan the flames to encourage the younger generation to chase a heart for Christ. May we also sit near by and feel the warmth of the flame to melt our sometimes icy heart. Then may we follow their lead and know God didn’t call us to just sit in pews each Sunday.

We were called to Go.

Jesus came and told his disciples, “I have been given all authority in heaven and on earth. Therefore, go and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Teach these new disciples to obey all the commands I have given you. And be sure of this: I am with you always, even to the end of the age.”

Matthew‬ ‭28‬:‭18‬-‭20‬ ‭NLT‬‬

Then after the Holy Spirit filled them someone felt the nudge. A nudge that he couldn’t remain silent anymore. A nudge he knew was from God. He may have been just a 20 year old man, but once again, a young person started a movement.

Then Peter stepped forward…

Acts of the Apostles‬ ‭2‬:‭14‬ ‭NLT‬‬

And history hasn’t been the same since.

What happened then…can happen again.

May we start to live like the younger generation full of determination and gumption.

We are never too old to live like the younger generation.
