
I Don’t Like You, But I Love You…Really?

I’ve heard this phrase my entire life. I’ve even said it a time or two. But recently I have really been thinking is this really possible?

Can you not like someone, but truly love them?

My mind cannot grasp this concept. My brain can’t understand many concepts, but this one really befuddles my mind.

The main thing that confuses me is it really Biblical? I hear Christians say this all the time, but do all Christian’s really mean it? Or is it a cop out response to seem like they are following Christ’s teachings?

Did Jesus not like some people?

I understand the reasoning of not liking the sin some people do, but still loving the person. But if I’m truly honest, I fall into sin daily. Yet, I still like myself.

So can we as flawed beings hold to that sentiment when a sin is a sin is a sin?

Jesus can say it, but can we really say it in good conscience?

But I don’t think most people dislike people because of their sin. Many times good Christian’s will give grace to those in sin. So I believe most people dislike people for other reasons.

So if you dislike someone for their political status, religious beliefs, personality, how can you then in the same breath say you love them?

Some people would say Jesus didn’t like the Pharisees because he was calling them out. But I think you can still point out peoples weaknesses and still like them.

I lead a group of high school guys that do things I do not agree with. There are moments when I have to gently tell them they are doing something wrong. Just because I am correcting them, I still like and love them.

I think the reason I have such a hard time with this statement is that we are supposed to love people as Christ loves. And Christ compels us to love sacrificially.

So, if you don’t like someone, would you die for them?

That may be extreme, but Christ’s love was extreme. And if we can’t carry on a conversation with someone for a few minutes without our temperature rising, would we be willing to sacrifice ourself for that person?

Some people have told me there are different types of love. But we are called to love as Christ loved. That is the type of love I am speaking about here. Love that went to the cross and died for everyone.

Then some people have said there are different levels of love. But if you can’t say you love someone 100%, what would that other percentage be considered?

Can you truly say you love someone if you pick and choose what you would sacrifice for that person?

If you love someone 99%, what is the other 1%?

If it’s not love, is your 99% somewhat tainted?

I believe in black and white, and this phrase seems like it resides in the land of the grey.

I think I have a hard time with this saying, because when I don’t like someone, I rarely would go out of my way for that person. And if I have a hard time, I would think most people would have a hard time as well.

I would rather people say, “I don’t like them, but I’m trying to love them. I may not be there yet, but I’m trying.”

What are your thoughts? I’m interested in hearing them.


“Greater love has no one than this, that someone lay down his life for his friends.”

John‬ ‭15‬:‭13‬ ‭ESV‬‬

“The end of all things is at hand; therefore be self-controlled and sober-minded for the sake of your prayers. Above all, keep loving one another earnestly, since love covers a multitude of sins. Show hospitality to one another without grumbling.”

1 Peter‬ ‭4‬:‭7‬-‭9‬ ‭ESV‬‬

Release Day – Wunderling

On Friday, August 5th my newest book will be available for anyone willing to read this unusual, spooky, out of this world story.

This idea came to me in college and I quickly wrote a very short story of about 3 pages. Through the years, like many ideas I have, it continued to stay with me. I thought this little story was intriguing, but I didn’t know how to make it into a novel.

So I started thinking during the summer of 2020 (COVID kept me at home with plenty of time to think). And suddenly I saw a story develop.

A ruthless mysterious killer. A secret society. A forbidden secret.

And voilà (or wala as I used to spell it until someone informed me the word is French) an instant page turner with countless twist, more deaths than my previous books, and an ending I hope no one sees coming.

Someone asked me a couple of weeks ago what I wanted out of this book? And the simple answer is I want people to want to turn the page while reading and when the last word is read, I hope it causes some reflection.

So are you a wunderling? I guess you’ll have to read this book to answer this elusive question.

It may ultimately be the question for the ages.


If you are interested, click the link below to purchase a digital or paperback copy.



Endless Possibilities – Book Review

A couple of weeks ago a good friend introduced me to Kimberly McKay. Kimberly McKay has a well-rounded career as romantic suspense and paranormal author, screenwriter, podcaster, editor, a writing instructor at OU, and director. I get tired just reading everything she does and has accomplished.

I picked up her first book, Endless Possibilities, in her Spiritual Gifts series. She recommended me reading a different one of her books in the series because I’m not a fan of romance books, but I always like to start with Book 1.

And I’m so glad I did.

Yes, this is a romance book that has a Hallmarky feel, but if Hallmark movies are not your cup of tea (just like me because they seem very cliched) still give this book a shot.

This is a Hallmark movie amped up with excitement, mystery and suspense. And don’t forget the romance element that is weaved throughout, but not too much for my taste.

The book starts off and will hook you in the first chapter when someone tragically dies in an accident. But was it really an accident? You get punched early with the makings of a great mystery read.

The story pieces together various characters pasts and current situations into a plot line that will beg you to keep reading. Why didn’t they have a relationship years ago? What happened? How did he die? What secret was she hiding? Who is that? Are just some questions I had while reading.

But I didn’t have the questions because the writing was boring, but because the story was engaging.

I actually told someone else about this book and they quickly read it and started the next book in the series.

So, if you don’t take my opinion on this book you can take my mothers opinion who reads constantly. And when I mean constantly, I mean a lot. Sometimes a couple of books a day.

So if you are looking for a new read that has a little romance, a little drama, a little comedy, a little action, a little mystery…well, it has a little of everything. Check out Endless Possibilities by Kimberly McKay.

You won’t regret it!

And if you have Kindle Unlimited, it is FREE! So please download or purchase this book. And then spread the word about it!

Peace and happy reading!

Endless Possibilities: Book 1 in The Spiritual Gifts Series


We Are All Like Sheep


I have heard many people lately calling people who do not agree with them sheep. I’ve heard people say to people who see a different side as being brainwashed. I’ve heard other people say the other side is drinking their kool-aid.

No matter what side of the fence you find yourself on during any topic, the only truth is both sides is full of sheep.

If your a pro-vaccination…you’re a sheep listening to other pro-vaccinators.

If your an anti-vaccination…you’re a sheep listening to other anti-vaccinators.

If you say you’re not a sheep, you are only fooling yourself. Or worse, you’re making your own opinions based on only your opinions with no proof or ground for argument other than your opinion.

The same is with faith.

I have heard many people through the years say, “Well, I think God wouldn’t do that.”

When I ask why? They typically say because that is what they think.

No proof. No merit. Nothing to support their claim other than their hope in their opinion.

That is what is wrong with this world.

We come up with an image of the God we want to believe in and decide that is who God is.

It is just like saying you believe in an animal with 11 legs, 6 eyes, looks like a tiger, sounds like a dog, and flys like an eagle. But just because you believe there is a Moltgeser (made up word) out there, doesn’t make it real or right.

We are all allowed to have our own opinions.

But not all opinions are right. Mine could be wrong. Yours could be wrong. We all could be wrong.

But most likely, we formed our opinions and followed them because someone else gave some compelling information we deemed worthy enough to follow.

It is scary how many shepherds there are out there in the world.

But only one is the True Good Shepherd.

May we each intently try to listen to His voice. It’s a loud world out there…it’s easy to get fooled.

If a voice sounds to good to be true…it probably is.

If a voice goes against the Word of God…it isn’t one you should follow.

If a voice causes division…it isn’t His.

If a voice causes hate…it isn’t His.

If a voice causes confusion…it isn’t His.

Listen wisely…because we are all sheep being led by someone.

Tread wisely.



Free Book for Download

I hope each of you have a great weekend. What a better way to start a weekend than with a good book. You can download my first book on Amazon for Free for a limited time.

So, what are you waiting for?

Click the link below and enjoy Book 1 of Solomon’s Dreams.

Solomon’s Dreams: The Hunting at Huntington

Peace and have a great weekend!