christmas carols, COVID, Faith

Mary – Mother of Christ

“But Mary treasured up all these things, pondering them in her heart.”
‭‭Luke‬ ‭2‬:‭19‬ ‭ESV‬‬

The Christmas season is inevitably full of highs and lows like a beating of a heart. The high excitement of picking out the perfect gift for your loved ones and the low of wrapping them (I’m not fond of the wrapping paper regimen)

I knew this Christmas was going to be different this year. Family wasn’t coming in so it was going to be a very small Christmas. But Christmas isn’t about the quantity, it’s the quality.

Well sickness struck and the Christmas of 4 quickly changed to a Christmas of 2.

Add on the frigid temperatures and snow fall, so staying home was center focus.

This morning before church I was reading the Christmas story in Luke and this verse shouted out to me.

“But Mary treasured up all these things, pondering them in her heart.”
‭‭Luke‬ ‭2‬:‭19‬ ‭ESV‬‬

It shouted because even though this Christmas wasn’t what I expected or even wished, it happened. I cannot control outside factors. I cannot change scenarios beyond my arms reach. I cannot undo sickness and death, but I can adapt.

I can treasure the moments I have. No matter the moments.

I can ponder the good times of Christmas pasts and dream of the ones to come in my heart.

It may be selfish to wish for a great Christmas, but sadly we are selfish.

But when we step away from ourselves we see beyond the non-picturesque Christmas, we can count ourselves blessed.

Mary most definitely didn’t want to give birth in a stable. She most likely didn’t want to give birth in Bethlehem away from her friends and family. She probably didn’t want to experience this life changing event in such a meager estate.

Yet, it happened.

It was beyond her control.

And despite the imperfect setting, this is where God chose to announce to the world of the birth of a Savior.

I wonder what Mary was treasuring and pondering.

Then as she watched her young boy grow into a strong, capable man, did Mary still ponder? Did she pull out those memories of Bethlehem periodically when the hardships of life hit her?

As Jesus’ ministry began and she heard his teaching and witnessed his miracles, did Mary still ponder? Did she reminisce of the angel and the prophecy foretold?

Then as she watched in heart wrenching agony, His death during Passover, did Mary still ponder? Did she remember the gifts from the wise men that were used to bury her firstborn son?

Mary had a life of exceptional spiritual highs and depressingly dismal lows.

I hope she held onto those moments in Bethlehem for a lifetime. I hope she treasured and pondered them through the ups and downs.

This Christmas may not have been the one you desired, but reflect upon the treasures of Christmas past. And ponder upon the beauty of the meaning of the true reason of Christmas. You may feel alone, but Christ came just for that, so you would never have to feel alone.

So may we truly say, “God bless us everyone.”

And may we truly ponder and treasure how blessed we really are.

Merry Christmas